Conversations in Socially Engaged Philosophy (YouTube Channel)
With colleagues from Europe and North America, Martin Kusch has started a Youtube Channel entitled "Socially-Engaged Philosophy". The purpose is to provide philosophical reflections (in English) on the contemporary social-political world. These reflections aim to be accessible to non-philosophers.
We have re-launched our YouTube channel Conversations in Socially Engaged Philosophy.
This is a cooperation between philosophers from the CEU Vienna, the LMU Munich, and the U of Vienna.
Videos to-date are conversations between Heather Douglas, Maria Kronfeldner, Martin Kusch, Velislava Mitova, David Ludwig, Alexander Reutlinger, Guenther Sandner, on topics such as ...
'Science, Criticism, Scepticism'
'Values in Science'
'Why Philosophers Care about Dehumanization'
'Another Science is Possible'
'Why Relativism Does not Undermine Science'
'Otto Neurath and Expertise in Democracy'
'Epistemic Decolonization'
'Exploring the Space of Scientific Freedom and Responsibility'
More to come ...