The APSE Unit is organizing a series of talks this term.
Talks will take place Thursdays, 3-5 pm, HS 3A (NIG, Universitätsstraße 7).
Before each talk, 1-3 pm, there will be an accompanying Reading Cycle in the same room. Readings will be announced here on the APSE website. Please send a quick message to if you are planning to attend or have any questions.
All welcome!
27.03 Natalie Ashton (University of Sterling)
03.04 Anna Alexandrova (University of Cambridge)
10.04 Remco Heesen (London School of Economis and Political Science)
22.05 Veli Mitova (University of Johannesburg)
05.06 Matteo Vagelli (Ca' Foscari University of Venice)
12.06 Maria Baghramian (University College Dublin)